Thursday, October 30, 2014

All - City Auditions and Fall Festival Next week

All -City Auditions Monday Evening 11/3/14

Many of our 7th and 8th grade students have prepared to audition for the All-City Honor band.  I am so proud of the hard work they have put in to get ready!  We are hosting the auditions here at Walker Monday evening at 6PM until all auditions are completed.  This process can take quite a while so please be patient.  Here is the schedule.

6;00 PM  Warm - Up
6:30 PM  Judges Meeting in the Library
7:00 PM  Auditions begin
9:30 PM  Auditions conclude

Each instrument will be assigned a room.  When that room has concluded students are free to leave.  Students can wait until results are posted if they choose.  

Fall Festival Friday 11/7/14

The band boosters will sponsor two booths again this year.  We will host a cake walk in the auditorium.  We need students to bring some kind of baked good on Thursday or Friday like a cake, a dozen cookies,  a dz brownies, pie or some other kind of baked good to donate for the cake walk.  The boosters will run a concession stand in the cafeteria as well.  They will be selling a variety of snacks and goodies like tacos! pizza, candy, Takis and whatever else we come up with.  Parents are NEEDED to volunteer to work at this booth.  Please contact Violeta Rios at 469-233-6971 to volunteer for this event.


Practice times and Chair tests

Students should be practicing 20 - 30 minutes per day outside of class.  They can do this by...
1 - practicing at home
2 - practicing in the band room before school Monday - Friday 8 - 8:30
3 - practicing in the band room after school Tues, Weds, or Thurs from 4 - 5

Practice time attendance is considered when choosing the Honor Band and deciding who goes on field trips to competitions.

Chair Tests will be given weekly in class.  The student's performance will affect their placement in the band and will affect their grade in the class.

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An honor and a privilege

Please see the band Facebook page for an important announcement.